THE ALGAL FLORA OF THE RIVER LEE 195 Chlorogonium tetragamum Bohlin (S., 1962) This was seen several times in the Lee plankton and was grown and observed in mixed cultures. The only previous British record is from Anglesey (Woodhead and Tweed, 1954). Lobomonas rostrata Hazen (B. & S., 1961) Appeared in the Lee during the summer of 1959. It seems to be quite common, but has probably been overlooked on account of its small size. No previous British records. Lobomonas ampla var. okensis Korshikov (B. & S., 1961) Occurred in cultures of river plankton from Dobb's Weir in the autumn of 1959. It has not previously been recorded from this country. Pteromonas angulosa (Carter) Lemmermann (S., 1962) Frequent in the plankton as scattered individuals. Numerous British records. Pteromonas varians Jane (S., 1962) This was described by Jane (1944) from a pond in Hertford- shire. It has been observed on several occasions in the Lee. Gonium pectorale Mull. Rare. Gonium sodale (Duj.) Warming. Much commoner than the previous species, occurring in small numbers throughout the year. Pandorina morum (Mull.) Bory Occurred sporadically in the river plankton, but always in small numbers, except in the stagnant section at Waltham Lock, where it was common during the summer months. Eudorina elegans Ehr. Occasional. Chlorococcales Ankyra judayi (G. M. Smith) Fott (S., 1962) Frequent during the summer months. Cells were isolated and the life cycle was followed in culture. No undoubted previous record for this country could be found, though Flint (1950) noted a similar organism (as Characium ancora) in the plankton of one of the Thames Valley reservoirs. Pediastrum duplex Meyen Occasional. Pediastrum boryanum (Turp.) Meyen Frequent. This is the commonest species of Pediastrum in the Lee plankton, and has also been found in mud samples. Pediastrum tetras (Ehr.) Ralfs Occasional.