230 THE ESSEX NATURALIST This bore and its fellows are of considerable interest since they go far to confirm suspicions that the dome-like anticlinal structure, bringing Woolwich and Reading beds through London Clay, shown in the N.W. corner of London Sheet N VI NW, is not quite of the form indicated. Temporary sections at the new Health Department, 99, The Grove, E. 15, and at the new London Co- operative Society building in the Broadway, E. 15, produced London Clay below Made Ground only in the first case and below 8' of Food Plain gravel in the second. On the London Co- operative site London Clay was clearly seen filling the bottom of a buried stream channel, probably of late Pleistocene date, running parallel to the Broadway through the rear of the building founda- tions. It must therefore be presumed that the anticline pitches out further to the north-west than has been supposed.