BOREHOLES AND GEOLOGICAL EXPOSURES IN WEST HAM 231 4. Eastbourne Road (site of old Leathercloth Factory). Com- municated by the Clerk of Works, County Borough of West Ham. November, 1963. TQ 3932 8364. These last two logs may be compared with the London Memoir, p. 41, where a boring is given for the Leathercloth Factory. All three only vary in the identification of the London Clay. L.M. 41 suggests a 16 ft. deposit of peaty clay which it refers to the London Clay series. This must equate with the 13 feet of dark grey sandy clay of 4 above, but after seeing this material on the site there can be no hesitation in attributing it to the Woolwich and Reading Beds. In addition to these recent bores for new works, the Museum has for some time held records of a water bore at Whitefield's Sweet Factory, Tunmarsh Lane, E.13. This was made in 1935 and the geological formations penetrated can be identified with certainty. 6. Whitefield's Sweet Factory, Tunmarsh Lane, E.13. TQ 4095 8276. The above figures, with the exception of those for borehole 6 which were communicated by Mr. T. E. Ward of Hornchurch, were kindly made available by the building bye-laws section of