SOME NATURAL HISTORY OF DOMESDAY ESSEX 241 Bendysh (Hall and Wood) (Radwinter) Bean enclosure 1068 Lamarsh Loam stubble-field DB Napstead (Little Napstead) Place where turnips grow, and here one may see an apparent connection between Napstead and turnips, for 'neeps' is a Scottish word for 'turnips' DB Pebmarsh Pybba's stubble-field DB Ramsey Probably wild garlic (or raven's) island DB Rugwood (Foulness) Rye-marsh 1246 Roydon Rye-covered hill DB Wheatley (Rayleigh) Wheat clearing DB What one would now call hedge-row trees or bushes are represented by: Althorne Burned thorn-bush 1198 Baythorne Park (and End) (Birdbrook) Babba's thorn- bush circa 950 Great Slamseys (Black Notley) Enclosure on the sloe-tree hill DB Hazleton (Wood) (White Notley) Hazel valley 1250 Horndon (East and West) Thorn-hill DB Notley (Black and White) Nut 'leah' or clearing 998 Nunty's Farm (Wood) (Pattiswick) Nut 'hey' or enclosure 1285 Thornwood (Common) (North Weald Bassett) Thorn wood 1297 Again, with only two exceptions, all are in the northern half. Before turning to the remaining flora, represented by the trees, mention must be made of Mistley, probably Mistletoe wood, DB, also of the Domesday vineyards at Ashdon, Belchamp Wal- ter, Castle Hedingham, Debden, Great Waltham, Mundon, Ray- leigh, Stambourne, Stebbing and Toppesfield. All of these are near the seats of Norman lords—perhaps because they wished to have local wine to make up for their loss of French wines! Apart from trees being referred to in six names in rather general terms, and in addition to those already referred to (thorn, willow and hazel), ten species can be traced, with the largest group referring to the Birch: Barking Dwellers among the birch trees 735 Bartlow End Hill of the birch trees 1247-7C Birch At the birch DB Birch Hall (Kirby-le-Soken) Birch ridge DB Birchhanger Birch-covered wooded slope DB Brickford Bridge (High Easter) Ford of the birch trees 1276 Burkitts Lane (Dedham) Collection of birches 1291 The next largest groups refer to the Pear, the Beech and the Ash: Buttsbury Botolph's pear-tree (cf. Perry Street in the parish) 1219 Parndon Pear-tree hill DB Prested (Hall) (Feering) The place where pear-trees grow DB Purton End (Debden) Pear-tree hill or farm DB