244 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Fishes, too, are without mention in place-names, but a number of fisheries, both on the coast and inland, are recorded in the Survey. Reference has already been made to the lack of the mention of insects in place-names, but there are a number of references in Domesday, mostly in the north, to the number of beehives. They were useful not only for the honey, but also for mead and for wax for candles. Saffron Walden, for instance, is recorded as having as many as thirty. The mention of birds in place-names are almost as numerous as those of mammals : Birdbrook Brook of the young birds DB Coxtie (Green) (South Weald) Place where cocks were kept 1268-84 Cranbrook (Farm) (Ilford) Crane or heron brook 1233 Crawley (Bury, End) (Chrishall) Crow-clearing DB Faulkbourne Falcon stream DB Foulness Wild birds'ness circa 1190-1219 Purleigh Bittern (or snipe) land 998 Ramsey Probably raven's island DB Ravenstock (Field name in Cressing) Raven stump 1185 Rawreth Heron stream 1177 Roffey Hall (Harlow) Rook enclosure 1215 Roxwell Rook stream (could be) 1291 Ruckholt (Farm) (Ilford) Rook wood 1200 The plotting on a map of the place-names connected with the flora and fauna shows no significant geographical groupings but there is one concentration of such names—just to the south-east of Braintree and centred on the Notleys. It can be nothing more than a coincidence that Black Notley was the birthplace of John Ray—the father of English natural history. References Edwards, A. C. (1958). A History of Essex. London. Reany, P. H. (1935). The Place-names of Essex. Cambridge. A Method of Qualitative Biological River Survey By Antony W. Davies, B.Sc. INTRODUCTION The method to be discussed in this paper was adopted as being the most suitable for obtaining a sample of the larger organisms in a short stretch of a river. A biological survey method is required for estimating pollution in a river. Although river pollution may be caused by chemical, physical or even biological agencies it is essentially a biological phenomenon. It is the effect that these agencies have on the