250 THE ESSEX NATURALIST of the riffle must be measured, its average depth and the rate of flow. The latter is determined by timing the passage of a float along the riffle between its upper and lower limits. The average stone size of the riffle bed, pH and temperature are measured by normal methods. The estimation of both chemical and bio- chemical oxygen demand is of paramount importance in assessing the state of pollution. Indeed the value of the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (B.O.D.) is used to define whether or not a river is polluted. A further discussion of the B.O.D. will be found in Appendix I. While the B.O.D. is an organic oxygen demand, two other tests worth mention are used. One, the Dichromate value, estimates the chemical oxygen demand (C.O.D.), and the other the Dissolved Oxygen (D.O.) test, which determines the oxygen concentration in the water at any specific time. The B.O.D. and C.O.D. are expressed in parts per million (mg/litre) and the D.O. as percent- age saturation. Other important tests are the determination of suspended matter, which gives some indication of the organic loading of the river and the amount of ammoniacal nitrogen and oxidised nitrogen as nitrate. The latter indicates the efficacy of protein degradation, especially if the polluting source is organic. The determination of the calcium, magnesium, potassium, phos- phate and nitrate concentrations, which affect the organisms present do so indirectly, by influencing the growth of the plant community which provides them with food and shelter. All of these tests describe some part of the riffle complex and help to define the environment. An example of a chemical analysis of a riffle habitat follows (the results are expressed as parts per million or milligrams per litre (p.p.m.) unless otherwise stated). (S.S.) Suspended solids = 9 (C.O.D.) Chemical Oxygen demand=4.7 (B.O.D.) Biological or Biochemical Oxygen demand = 30 (D.O.) Dissolved Oxygen Above riffle habitat = 98% Saturation. Below riffle habitat=104% Saturation. Temperature °C pH Above riffle habitat=15.5 Above 81 Below riffle habitat=15.0 Below 81 Chloride ion concentration (Cl) = 48 + + + + Total hardness as calcium plus magnesium (Ca) + (Mg) = 382 p.p.m. expressed as CaCO3 Potassium (K) = 68 Phosphate (PO,) = nil. Nitrate as (nitrogen) = 1.6 Ammoniacal Nitrogen = 10 By chemical standards this river water could be designated as "clean" due to the low B.O.D. The D.O. is good and shows but little change over the riffle, while the temperature shows a drop