A METHOD OF QUALITATIVE BIOLOGICAL RIVER SURVEY 261 experiments. River water is so complex chemically and biochemi- cally that much has yet to be learned about the possible synergism existing in such water when toxic polluting agents are present. This means studying the effect of these agents on a biological com- munity in situ, since the simulation of river conditions in the laboratory is almost impossible. Once the upper and lower toler- ance levels to polluting agents have been established for various organisms in a given habitat, then a system of indicator organisms can be introduced for various pollutants. The ultimate aim is to diagnose a particular chemical pollution in terms of a specific biological reaction. Effect of Organic Pollutants From the results it is seen that for gross organic pollution the biological state of the river is easily defined. Indeed it would be an easy matter to detect such pollution visually without resort to either biological or chemical means. The detection of light organic pollution is not so simple. Nevertheless the biological response is more sensitive than chemical analytical means at present available to us, since the chemical state of the river returns more quickly to normal than does the biological state. In conclusion I would suggest that the practical application of biological survey work appears to be of threefold importance and significance. First in detection and estimation of the severity of past chemical or organic pollution. Secondly, in the determina- tion by biological response to the presence of light pollution, which by chemical analyses would not indicate the full effect of this pollution on the stream life. Thirdly for the determination of the rate of recovery from pollution by self purification, with severity of pollution, time and distance from the discharge point, all con- sidered. APPENDIX I A short consideration of the Oxygen demand of a river The oxygen demand of a river is governed by two laws; one is the rate of consumption of oxygen from the water and the other is the rate of re-oxygenation. The rate of consumption of dissolved oxygen by organic matter is directly proportional to the weight of organic matter remaining at any given moment; this may be represented as follows: — d 1 — = KL d t This equation may be expressed in the form;— It = Le K't It = Biochemical oxygen demand at time t K = a constant L = Original Oxygen Demand K = A new constant