274 THE ESSEX NATURALIST May '63; Collier Row, one dead on road, June '63 (A. H.). Horn- church, three seen separately, August '63 (M. W.). Ilford, family in garden between '59 and '64. In '63 three young born, in '64 four born and one killed, probably by a cat (E. M.). Rushgreen, one dead on road, April '64 (A. H.). Dagenham, one adult in garden, May '64 (K. B.). Plaistow, two families in grounds of St. Andrew's Church, were present 1953-63 (J. S.). Mole Talpa europaea Linn. Flatford Mill area, common (G. A.); Chalkney Wood, one dead August '64, also many mole hills (K. Br.). Dunmow, two seen on surface, May '64 (W. Y.); Easton Lodge, one seen, October '64 (D. S.); Great Baddow, plentiful '63 and '64 (R. T.); South Weald Park, mole hills seen February '63 (D. Ch.). Water Shrew Neomys fodiens (Pennant) Flatford Mill area, two seen '64 (G. A.); Tilby, near Dunmow, one caught, in R. Chelmer, by D. Bradenham (via D. 8.). Dun- mow, one seen in brook December '64 (D. S.). (See also trapping section.) Fox Vulpes vulpes (Linn.) Flatford Mill area, occasionally seen (G. A.). Fingringhoe Wick nature reserve, seen regularly, '63 and '64 (D. Ch. and K. C). Felstead, two seen at Leigh Priory, October '64 (D. S.). Galley Wood, Chelmsford, bred in part of badger sett, '63 and '64 (R. T.). Galleyhill Wood, Nazeing, one adult seen August '63 (E. S.). Epping Forest, breeds in badger setts in and near the forest (W. P. and D. Co.). One seen in suburban garden, Woodford Green, February '63 (D. Ch.). Hainault Forest, regularly seen at two badger setts in the forest. Cubs reared '63 and '64 at one of the setts (W. P.). Chigwell Row, one dead in snow, February '63 (D. Ch.). Brentwood, two seen playing in school grounds, in snow, January '63 (M. P.). Romford Sewage Farm, one seen, August '64 (K. B.). Thundersley, cubs seen at badger sett, April '64 (D. Co.). Stoat Mustela erminea Linn. Flatford Mill area, occasionally seen, '64 (G. A.). Colchester, has bred in area, '64 (C. O.). Weasel Mustela nivalis Linn. Flatford Mill area, seen occasionally, '63 and '64 (G. A.). Fingringhoe Wick nature reserve, one caught in live trap, Septem- ber '64 (D. Co.). Rickling, one dead on road, July '64 (D. Ch.). Maldon, one seen pursuing harvest mouse, October '64; Marden Ash, one seen in sand-pit (E. S.). Great Canfield, one seen on road, April '64; Little Canfield, one seen on road, April '64; Aythorpe Roding, one seen on road, April '64 (D. S.). Great Baddow, several killed by a cat, '64 (R. T.). Chigwell, one