NOTES ON ESSEX MAMMALS, 1963-64 275 seen, October '64 (D. S.). Sewardstonebury, one seen on road, October '63 (D. Co.). Wanstead Park, one seen, December '63, (R. C.). Romford Sewage Farm, several seen, August '64 (K. B.). Otter Lutra lutra (Linn.) Flatford Mill area, twice reported '64 (G. A.). Fingringhoe Wick nature reserve, two seen on several occasions (H. C). Roding valley tracks found at Navestock, '62-'63 winter, Passingford Bridge, '63 (A. W.). Common Seal Phoca vitulina Linn. Walton-on-Naze, one seen off coast, December '63 (G. A.). Fingringhoe Wick, one seen off coast, July '63 (C. O.). Brown Hare Lepus capensis Linn. Flatford Mill area, seen occasionally '64 (G.A.). Fingringhoe Wick, two seen in nature reserve, May '63, and one in July '63 (D. Ch.). Great Baddow, seen frequently '63 and '64 (R. T.). Epping Forest, frequent reports from the more open wooded areas, particularly beech woods, and also from farmland around forest (A. W., D.Ch. and D. Co.). Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus (Linn.) Flatford Mill area, fairly common, often with myxamatosis, '63 and '64 (G. A.). Steeple Bumpstead, one dead on road, July '64; Wendons Ambo, one dead on road July '64; Fingringhoe Wick nature reserve, plentiful '63 and '64 (D. Ch.). Great Easton, one found dead (not myxamatosis) May '64 (A. H.). Chalkney Wood, once exterminated but now returning (K. Br.). Coptfold Hall, Margaretting, plentiful on farm land, '63 and '64, some with myxamatosis in '64 (D. Co.). Willingale, one with myxamatosis, April '63 (A. H.). Great Baddow, common (R, T.). 'Mill Green, several seen, April '64 (K. B.). Hainault Forest, common on edge of forest and golf course (W. P.). Chigwell, one seen, March '64 (A. H.). Epping Forest, quite common now, seen frequently in Chingford area, '64 (D. Ch. and D. Co.). Report in local press of rabbits at Leytonstone, Green Man road works, November '64 (via A. H.). South Weald Park, some present, April '64; Cold Norton, some present, July '63; Rainham, some present, July '63 (D. Ch.). Red Squirrel Sciurus vulgaris Linn. Colchester, still occurs in woods in area, '64 (C. O.). Chalkney Wood, some present '64 (K. Br.). Grey Squirrel Sciurus carolinensis Gmelin Colchester, becoming more frequent, '63 (C. O.). Chalkney Wood, common August '64 (K. Br.). Broxted, one found dead, October '64; Elsenham, one seen, October '64; Rayne, one found dead, October '64; Tilby, one found dead, October '64 (D. S.).