278 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Badger Records in Essex, 1964 By W. Page and D. Scott During the year 1964 the number of Badger setts known to be active was 94. This figure excludes setts only occasionally used and would be much higher if some areas so far unexamined could be included. Of the 94 setts, 19 were watched closely to estimate the Badger populations and a total of 75 was recorded. This was comprised of 46 adults and 29 cubs. Four dead Badgers were recorded, all road casualties, but the total figure must be higher as reports of deaths are often only vague stories. Two erythristic individuals were seen, both in the Margaretting area. An interesting behaviour study was made at a sett in Hainault Forest where watching was carried out quite intensively. Two sets of cubs were born in different parts of the same sett, making a total of seven cubs which together with the four adults gave a population of eleven. During three weeks in June it was observed that the whole group was living together in the same part of the sett. On several occasions ten Badgers were seen to emerge one after the other, all within five minutes. At the same sett hand feeding of cubs was carried out by two of the observers, which made it much easier to get to know the sett and record the popula- tion during the year. Acknowledgments for the records in this report are due to D. Corke and J. Green and many members of the Essex Field Club. Thanks are also due to the South-Essex Natural History Society and to Miss P. Perrin and Mr H. J. Seymour. The Dawn Chorus, 1963-64 By M. T. Parker As in previous years Brentwood School Field Club have continued their records of the dawn chorus. These records have been made in Harts' Wood, Brentwood. The records were made on 19 May 1963 and 24 May 1964. For comparison records for 1960, 1961, and 1962 are included. In the table below the time given is that at which the bird was first heard, all times are in Greenwich Mean Time. Redstart .............. Robin ................ Dunnock .............. Song Thrush .......... Blackbird ............