BADGER RECORDS IN ESSEX, 1964 279 29.5.60 14.5.61 27.5.62 19.5.63 24.5.64 Cuckoo ................ 0351 0404 0420 0407 0355 When .................. 0412 0428 0426 — — Willow Warbler ...... 0415 0426 0424 0425 0428 Great Tit .............. 0420 0432 0420 0420 0435 Chaffinch .............. 0443 0446 0440 — 0440 Nightjar .............. — — — — 0412 NOTES 1. The pattern of song remains fairly constant. The Redstart is the first bird heard—Chaffinches, Tits, etc., do not start until the sun is well up. 2. In 1963 and 1964 no Wrens were heard singing. 3. A Nightjar was heard in 1964, this bird has not been heard in this area for a number of years. GRAPHICAL PRESENTATION The graph (Fig. 1) shows where the maximum song lies. The method used is to divide a period of about 1 hour into 5-minute intervals and every bird singing in each interval is noted. These results show that the bulk of the song is made up of Song Thrush, Blackbird, Robin and Cuckoo. With this increase of song it be- comes difficult to hear the Redstart. References Parker, M. T. (1959). Dawn Chorus. Essex Wat., 30: 268. -------- (1962). Dawn Chorus. Essex Nat., 31 :