BOTANICAL REPORT FOR 1964 301 Secondly, there are individual records from old gardens like Easton Lodge, Warley Place, Creeksea Place, Colne Park and others of a similar type which have been unattended and gone wild for upwards of half a century; these produce valuable records for the garden type of plant. To these must be added the casuals, adventives, aliens and garden escapes from a host of habitats. All these records tend to inflate the number of species only to be found in a limited number of places. This year there have been added also nearly 200 additional Brambles, the majority of which are only recorded for a few localities. Here I must add that I am most grateful for the help and information given by Mr B. Miles. It is doubtful whether all these casuals will be included in the new Essex Flora, but the records will be maintained for future reference and comparison. Below is given a selected list of some of the uncommon species which have been recorded and as in previous years it follows the nomenclature of the 1952 edition of Flora of the British Isles by Clapham, Tutin & Warburg. The place and square numbers in which they occur is also stated with the initials of the recorder whose full name is given at the end. Where no initials are given they are the writer's own records. The localities given are not in every case the complete list but are additional areas for the plants found in 1963/4. Boraginaceae Symphytum tuberosum L. Tuberous Rooted Comfrey. Noak Hill, Romford, 59. H.A.S. Warley Place, 59. Caprifoliaceae Lonicera xylosteum L. Fly Honeysuckle. Found near a hedge of a field, Althorne, 99. Convolvulaceae Calystegia soldanella (L.) R. Br. Sea Bindweed. Bradwell, 00; Dovercourt, 23. C. pulchra Duton Hill, 62. J.I.-W. Leigh, 88. N.M. Crassulaceae Sedum telephium L. Orpine. Matching Park, 51. R.D. Broadfield Wood, 82. Caryophyllaceae Herniaria glabra L. Rupture-wort. Near Cutlers Green, 52. J.F. & J.I.-W. Near Cutlers Green, 53. Agrostemma githago L. Corn Cockle. In a garden, High Street, Shoeburyness, 98 (Possibly a birdseed alien.)