302 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Chenopodiaceae Beta trigyna Waldst, & Kit. Warley Place, 59. Salicornia gracillima (Towns.) Moss. Bradwell, 00. Compositae Arctium lappa L. var. foliosum Wallr. Marshy field by River Stour, Bures, 93. lunula crithmoides L. Golden Samphire. Marshes, East Tilbury, 67. V.W.E. Gibson gives Leigh Marshes, but since then the records only show coastal areas between Foulness Island and the River Stour. This record is interesting as it proves the plant occurs much further westward in the Thames marshes and is possibly in other places. Recorders please note. (Specimen seen and confirmed by S.T.J.) Cruciferae Dentaria bulbifera L. Coral-wort. Warley Place, 59. Cardamine impatiens L. Warley Place, 59. Crambe maritima L. Seakale. Bradwell, 00. The only previous Essex records I can trace are those given by Gibson as references to Gerrard (1597), Parkinson (1640) and Gough (1789), with a note "not found recently". Rapistrum orientale (L.) Crantz. Rubbish tip, Dunmow, 62. J.I.-W. Cyperaceae Carex arenaria L. Sand Sedge. Cliffs, Holland-Frinton, 21; dunes, Dovercourt area, 22 and 23. C. x axillaris Good. (C. remota x otrubae). High Wood, Dunmow, 62. I.J.-W.; Broadfield Wood, Stisted, 82; by lake, Bromley Hall, 02. C. caryophyllea Latour. Spring Sedge. Garnetts Wood, 62. J.I.-W.; roadside, Sandon, 70. J.I.-W. C. elata All. Tufted Sedge. Danbury Common, 70. E.S. C. polyphylla K. & K. Stebbing, 62. J.I.-W. C. strigosa Huds. Kelvedon Hatch Common, 59. B.T.W.; Norsey Wood, Billericay, 69. D.C.; Broadfield Wood, 82; Chalkney Wood, 82; Colne Park, Colne Engaine, 83. F.P.