BOTANICAL REPORT FOR 1964 303 Eleogiton fluitans (L.) Link. Floating Scirpus. Little Wake Valley Pond, 49. A.J.S.; Gaynes Park Pond, 40. In June last year the pond was covered with a red floating mass. It was so colourful in its young state that identification at first eluded me. Filicales Osmunda regalis L. Royal Fern. Grounds of Danbury Palace, 70; Warley Place, 59. J. C. Shenstone (1912) in The Essex Naturalist, 17, tells us that this plant and the Marsh Fern originally came from Warley Woods. Azolla filiculoides Lam. Near Stone Hall, 51. R.D. Known for several years, now gone. Romford Golf Course and Bedfords Park, 59. A.J.S. Asplenium trichomanes L. Maidenhair Spleenwort. Blake Hall Station, 50. E.S., R.M.P. & J.W.D. Ceterach officinarum D.C. Rustyback Fern. Blake Hall Station, 50. E.S., R.M.P. & J.W.D. Onoclea sensibilis L. Warley Place, 59. Polystichum aculeatum (L.) Roth. Hard Shield-fern. Warley Place, 59; Blake Hall Station, 50. E.S., R.M.P. & J.W.D. P. setiferum (Forsk.) Woynar. Hard Shield-fern. Blake Hall Station, 50. E.S., R.P.M. & J.W.D.; Warley Place, 59; small wood, Danbury Palace, 70; Copperas Wood, 23. P. aculeatum x setiferum. Warley Place, 59. P. setiferum var. cristatus. Warley Place, 59. P. setiferum var. compositum. Warley Place, 59. Thelypteris palustris Schott. Marsh Fern. Warley Place, 59. See note on Osmunda regalis. Warley Place records by J.E.L., J.W.D., R.M.P. & S.T.J. Geraniaceae Geranium endressii Gay Grays Chalk Pit, 67. For the past two years. Gramineae Alopecurus aequalis Sobol. Orange Fox-tail. Romford Golf Course and Bedfords Park, 59. A.J.S.; Wanstead Park, 48; pond, Great Waltham, 61. J.I.-W.; Great Garnetts Wood, 62. J.I.-W.; gravel pond, Ballards Gore, 99. Bromus inermis Leyss. Disused pig-run, Bartlow, 54.