306 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Orchidaceae Epipactis sessilifolia Peterm. Violet Helleborine. Two colonies in the Earls Colne area, 82, in different parts of a wood. First group observed in 1963, second in 1964. Hatfield Forest, 52. J.F. & J.I.-W. E. palustris (L.) Crantz. Marsh Helleborine. Grays chalkpit, 67. D.H. Orchis praetermissa. Druce Southern Marsh Orchid. Marsh, Cranham. V.J.E. Papaveraceae Papaver lecoqii Lamotte. Babbington's Poppy. Great Chesterford, 54. J.F.; Cutlers Green, 53; Rayne rail- way sidings, 726 Great Dunmow, 62. J.I.-W. P. rhoeas L. var. wilkesii Druce In a cabbage field at Chignal Smealey, 61. There was a large area with flowers ranging in colour from deep to pale red, pink, white and shaded forms. It was the Rev. W. Wilkes who produced the Shirley Poppy of the garden by a painstaking selection from our own native P. rhoeas in the early part of this century. There was no hybridization to get the colour variation of the Shirley Poppy which takes its name from where he lived. Rubiaceae Asperula arvensis L. Woodham Mortimer, 80. P.S. (comm., J.I.-W.). A. cynanchica L. Squinancy Wort. Great Chesterford, 54. J.F. A. odorata L. Sweet Woodruff. Berwick Hall Wood, 73; Shardlows Wood, 73. C.H.; Copperas Wood, 23. Galium palustre L. ssp. elongatum (C. Presl.) Lge. Hazleton Wood area, near White Notley, 71. Resedaceae Reseda alba L. Upright Mignonette. Dunton Hill, 62. J.I.-W. Ranunculaceae Eranthis hyemalis (L.) Salisb. Winter Aconite. Warley, 59. Ranunculus lingua L. Greater Spearwort. Abundant in roadside pond, Hill Green, Clavering, 43; pond, Wrights Green, Little Hallingbury, 51. J.F.; Warley, 59. Rosaceae Agrimonia odorata (Gouan) Mill Fragrant Agrimony. Railway line, Althorne, 99; near Great Bendysh Wood, 64.