SEAWEEDS OF THE BLACKWATER ESTUARY 313 C. flexuosa, C. glomerata, Rhizoclonium implexum, Bryopsis hypnoides, Giffordia granulosa, Fucus vesiculosus, Ascophyllum nodosum, Dumontia incrasata, Hypoglossum woodwardii, Polyneura gmelinii, Polysiphonia nigra, and Ceramium diaphanum. Areas of mud flats were examined at Sales Point, Mersea Flats, Bradwell Creek, Southey Creek, Stansgate, Decoy Point and East Mersea. 3. Stony Beaches In the littoral zones patches of sand and gravel are distributed haphazardly at all levels. Stones, which are not too mobile, or are held fast by clumps of mussels, are generally encrusted with barnacles. In places where the stones are mobile they are encrusted with Protococcus and Lithothamnion. Stones which are only moved with difficulty provide a substrate for Corallina officinalis also. In some places where there is a continuous flow of water of low salinity through the stones (e.g. near the Weymark's Sluice at Bradwell) the seaweeds Dumontia incrassata and Clado- phora hutchinsiae are commonly found, also Antithamnion cruciatum.. Other species recorded on the stony beaches were: Porphyra umbilicalis, and Porphyrodiscus simulans as abundant, Ulva lactuca, Enteromorpha intestinalis, Dictyota dichotoma, and Chondrus crispus as common, and also Antithamnion plumula and Hildenbrandia prototypus. Stony beaches were examined at Osea Island, Stone, Colne Point and Cocum Hills. 4. Sand and Shell Areas On Colne Point, Cocum Hills and parts of the Mersea Flats some areas of sand and shell are exposed by extremely low tides. Here the coarse sand and shell overlies mud. Pools in this area support a luxuriant and conspicuous growth of algae. Recorded as abundant were: Cladophora hutchinsiae, Entero- morpha clathrata, Dictyota dichotoma, Porphyra umbilicalis, Antithamnion plumula, Griffithsia flosculosa, Polysiphonia nigrescens, P. elongata, Ceramium rubrum, Ceramium deslong- champsii, and Plocamium vulgare. Less common species were: Navicula grevillei, Ulva lactuca, Enteromorpha ramulosa, E. intestinalis, Bryopsis plumosa, Rhizoclonium implexum, Chaetomorpha aerea, C. melagonium, Chorda filum, Gracilaria confervoides, Laurencia obtusa, Anti- thamnion cruciatum, Chondria dasyphylla, C. tenuissima, Chondrus crispus, Porphyrodiscus simulans, Fucus vesiculosus, Leptonematella fasiculata. Also recorded were: Protococcus marinus, Cladostephus spongiosus, Chaetopteris plumosa, Ectocarpus erectus, Laminaria saccharina, Pilayella littoralis, Calliblepharis lanceolata, Hypo-