316 THE ESSEX NATURALIST since the last lists of Essex algae were published, these are here revised and combined with those species recorded in this investiga- tion, and listed in the appendix. References Baker, S. M. (1912). On the Brown Sea-weeds of the Salt Marsh. Journ. Linn. Soc. Lon. Bot., 40: 275-91. Baker, S. M., and Bohlin, M. H. (1916). On the Brown Sea-weeds of the Salt-Marsh. II. Their systematic relationships, morphology and ecology. Journ. Linn. Soc. Lon. Bot., 43: 325-80. Batters, E. A. L. (1894). A Provisional List of the Marine Algae of Essex and the Adjacent Coast. Essex Nat., 8: 1-25. Bliding, C. (1963). A critical survey of European taxa in Ulvales. Opera Bot, 8: 1-160. Carter, N. (1932). A comprehensive study of the alga flora of two salt marshes, Part 1. J. Ecol, 20: 341-370. --------- (1933). A comparative study of the alga flora of two salt marshes, Parts II and III. J. Ecol., 21 : 128-208, 385-403. Chapman, V. J. (1934). Ecology, in Scolt Head Island Survey, ed. J. A. Steers, Norf. and Norwich Nat. Soc. --------- (1937). A Revision of the Marine Algae of Norfolk. Journ. Linn. Soc. Lon. Bot, S1: 205-263. --------- (1939). Studies in Salt Marsh Ecology. V. The vegetation. J. Ecol., 27: 181-201. Colman, J. (1933). The Nature of the Intertidal Zonation of Plants and Animals. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K., 18: 435-476. Dickinson, C. I. (1963). British Seaweeds. Eyre and Spottiswoode. Davis, D. S. and Milligan, G. M. (1964). Bradwell Biological Investiga- tions : Seaweeds of the Blackwater Estuary. Central Electricity Research Laboratory Internal Report. Doty, M. S. and Newhouse, J. (1954). The Distribution of Marine Algae into Estuarine Waters. Amer. J. Bot, 41 : 6, 508-515. Fritsch, F. E. (1952). The Structure and Reproduction of the Algae. 2 Vols. Cambridge. Gomont, M. (1904). Sur la vegetation de quel sources d'eau douce sous- marines de la Seine-Inferieure. Bull. Soc. Bot. France, 51: 31-65. Holmes, E. M. (1887). On a New British Alga (Vaucheria Sphaerospora, Nordst.) lately found near Maldon. Essex Nat, 1 : 7. --------- (1888). Marine Algae in the Blackwater Estuary, Essex Nat., 2: 248-49. Johansen, D. A. (1940). Plant Microtechnique. McGraw Hill. Jones, W. Eifion (1962). A key to the Genera of the British Seaweeds. Field Studies, 1 : 4. Jorde, I. and Klavestad. K. (1959). Observations on Ectocarpus, Feldmania, Pilayella, and Scytosiphon in Hardangerfjord, West Norway. Nytt. Mag. Bot, 7. Newton, L. (1931). A Handbook of British Seaweeds. British Museum (Nat. Hist.).