ANNUAL REPORT OF THE GEOLOGY GROUP, 1964 335 to recommend a general increase in the rate of subscriptions. As there has been no such alteration since 1920, it is felt that members will appreciate that if the Club is to continue to be run adequately this increase is necessary. After many years as our representative to the Council for Nature, Mr Chapman asked to be relieved of his duties and we are glad that Mr F. Speakman has been able to fill this position. The year will be memorable for the inauguration of a new Essex society. The Essex Archaeological Congress which has as its object the protection and preservation of the archaeological wealth of the County, parallelling the work of the Essex Natura- list's Trust. Field Club members are taking an active part, and the first President is Mr L. S. Harley with Mr W. Addison as Secretary. We wish the Congress every success with its work. Mr A. G. Jones is the Club's representative to the Congress. The Club has also affiliated with the Council for British Archaeology. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE GEOLOGY GROUP, 1964 The Group held another highly successful Geological week-end at Whitsun, the Isle of Wight being chosen this time. Those attending were able to see and collect from the complete main series of deposits from the Lower Cretaceous to the Oligocene periods. Other field meetings during the year consisted of visits to Wrabness and Harwich, Walton on Naze, and the fossiliferous deposits at Charlton and Abbey Wood. The attendance at these meetings was on the whole, very good, and it is hoped that this trend may be kept up. The Annual General Meeting was held in the Museum at Strat- ford on February 19, 1964. Ten members were present. The retiring officers and members were re-elected with the addition of Mr A. J. Snelling to the Committee. The Group Committee consists of: Chairman, J. M. Branson; secretary, R. Coates; committee, Messrs Clayton, Hunter and Snelling. The Chairman emphasised the importance of recording temporary exposures, and stated that valuable information was being lost by not recording them. He also drew the attention of members to the fact that there was available in the Museum a register of gravel and other pits in Essex, An appeal was made for information so that the geological bibliography of the county could be continued. The meeting then heard a lecture given by Mr Snelling entitled "The Palaeolithic Succession of the Lower Thames Valley", with reference to Purfleet, Essex. R. Coates, Secretary. J. M. Branson, Chairman,