336 THE ESSEX NATURALIST ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MAMMAL GROUP, 1964 The Annual General Meeting of the Group was held on January 16, 1964. After the formal part of the meeting, Dr A. M. Davidson spoke on his studies of British Red Squirrel in Norfolk. This was followed by a paper by Mr D. Corke on Small Mammal Traps and Trapping. Mr W. Page commented on the Badger Records for 1963 and Mr D. Scott gave notes on Hedgehog road deaths recorded during the year. Finally two films were shown, "River King", the story of Otters and "The Life of the Rabbit". During the remainder of the year the Group held three indoor and four outdoor meetings. The former were "Identification of Deer and Bats" by Mr A. Heathcote and Mr D. Chapman, "Sex Character- istics of Bank Voles" by Dr A. M. Davidson, and "Observations on the Badger in Essex" by Messrs D. Corke, W. Page and D. Scott. The outdoor meetings consisted of a small mammal trapping meeting at Chingford led by Mr D. Corke, a visit to Grahame Dangerfield's mammal collection at Redbourne and a mammal study week-end at Fringringhoe Wick Nature Reserve where some interesting live mammal trapping was carried out, and a very pleasant week-end was spent. The fourth outdoor meeting of the year was at Woburn Abbey Park where the Group had a chance to study, at fairly close quarters, deer in the collection of the Duke of Bedford. Two Group committee meetings were held during 1964 and it was considered that the most important task in hand was to try and encourage new members. The Club's mammal traps were quite well used during the year. The Long- worth traps were employed over a total of 616 trap-nights and made 134 captures. The larger wire type traps, six of which were purchased this year, were used for 94 trap-nights and made seven captures. Fuller use would have been made of the traps if more club members used them. Only one member had traps out on loan apart from the Mammal Recorder, but they were also used on two official club meetings. D. R, Scott.