344 THE ESSEX NATURALIST TIPULIDAE TlPULINAE Tipula vittata Mg. In swampy parts of Childerditch Wood, May. T. variicornis Schum. "Brentwood", June (E. S. Brown). T. scripta Mg. In damp woods, June, July. T. variipennis Mg. Common in damp woods and marshes, May. T. irrorata Macq. Larvae found on several occasions beneath the bark of fallen trees and rotten logs, from which flies emerged May, June. T. unca Wiede. In damp woodland by streams, June, July. T. oleracea L. May, June. T. paludosa Mg. This and the preceding species (oleracea) are the ubiquitous "daddy long-legs", the larvae of which are the leather jackets of lawn and field. A female paludosa was seen laying eggs by a grassy path on 5th October, 1963. T. vernalis Mg. One of the few grassland rather than woodland species. May. T. lateralis Mg. Mill Wood, May. T. flavolineata Mg. "Brentwood", June (E. S. Brown). T. luna Westh. A distinctive species with bluish abdomen. Childerditch Wood and marsh at head of Old Hall Pond, May, June. T. fascipennis Mg. In woods and marshes, June, July. T. cava Riedel Swept from long grass in birch wood, June. Nephrotoma maculata. (Mg.) In damp woods, May, June. N. flavescens (L.) By Old Hall Pond, July. N. quadrifaria (Mg.) In damp woods, June, July. Dictenidia bimaculata (L.) A female was taken on the wing near the stream flowing into Old Hall Pond, 24th July, 1965. Cylindrotomidae Cylindrotoma distinctissima (Mg.) May (R. G. Allen, det. R. M. P.). Limonitnae Limonia (Limonia) nubeculosa Mg. Probably the most wide- spread and abundant of woodland crane-flies. It can easily be distinguished in the hand by its blotched wings com- bined with the banded black and white femora. May, June, October. L. (L.) flavipes (F.) In damp woods and at margin of Old Hall Pond, May, June. L. (L.) nigropunctata Schum. Swept from nettles, red campion, etc. in ash wood, May. L. (L.) tripunctata (F.) By sweeping nettles, etc., by streams and in marshy places, May, June. L. (L.) trivittata Schum. In marshy wood at Warley Place, July. L. (L.) macrostigma Schum. In marshy woods, June, October. L. (Dicranomyia) decem-maculata Loew. In marshy clearing by woodland stream, May. L. (D.) dumetorum Mg. In oak-birch-bracken areas, June.