346 THE ESSEX NATURALIST E. (E.) lutea Mg. var. taenionata Mg. Perhaps the commonest of the very small crane-flies. May, June. E. (Ilisia) maculata Mg. By woodland steam, July. E. (I.) occoecata (Edw.) In marshy clearing by stream. May. June. Ormosia (Ormosia) lineata (Macq.) Octagon Plantation and Mill Wood, April, May. O. (O.) nodulosa (Macq.) Swept from nettles, red campion, etc. by stream in ash wood, May. O. (Rhypholophus) haemorrhoidalis (Zett.) Flying over wood- land stream, October. Molophilus griseus (Mg.) In oak wood, October. M. serpentiger Edw. In marshy clearing by stream, May. M. cinereifrons de Meij. Swept from nettles, etc., by woodland streams, May. M. ochraceus (Mg.) In marsh at head of Old Hall Pond, June. TRICHOCERIDAE The Winter-gnats are extremely like the true Crane-flies, and indeed until recently they were considered to be a sub-family of the Tipulidae. As their English name suggests, they are adult in the winter months. I have followed Laurence (1957) in the identification of these flies. Trichocera annulata Mg. October. T. regelationis (L.) February. T. rufescens Edw. October. T. saltator (Harris) February. PTYCHOPTERIDAE The Phantom Crane-flies are attractive black and yellow flies, more robust than the Tipulidae. Freeman (1950) gives a useful key. Ptychoptera contaminata (L.) Margin of Childerditch Pond. June. P. albimana (F.) In woodland swamps, May, June. P. minuta (Tonn.) Margin of Childerditch Pond, May. P. paludosa (Mg.) Sparingly among nettles by a woodland stream, June. P. lacustris (Mg.) "Brentwood", June (P. Freeman, per L. Parmenter). References Coe, R. L. (1950). Handbooks for the Indentification of British Insects, 9, 2: 1-66. R. ent. Soc. Lond. Freeman, P. (1950). Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects, 9, 2: 73-76. Kloet, G. S. & Hincks, W. D. (1945). A Check List of British Insects. Stockport. Laurence, B. R. (1957). The British species of Trichocera. Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond. (A), 32: 132-8.