ROMAN POTTERY FROM MATCHING, ESSEX 347 Roman Pottery from Matching, Essex By L. S. Harley Early in 1966, Mr E. Saunders left with me the piece of potsherd illustrated. It was described as having been found "in a ditch at the edge of Brick-kiln Wood, at Matching, in September, 1965''. The delay in this report is due to my attempts to obtain a more precise description of the find-spot, but I am unable to quote map co-ordinates, or depth, although presumably when found it was on the surface. The pottery is of good quality "Samian" without any potter's stamp, and is clearly the base of a Roman 'patera' or shallow dish. It is probably of mid-second century, say 140a.d., and its presence may indicate that a Roman Villa existed not far away. My thanks are due to Mr. Saunders for bringing this find to my attention. Figure 1. Potsherd found at Matching.