ii INDEX Davies, A. W. The Effect of the severe Winter, 1962-63, on the Animal life of Essex Rivers and Sewage disposal Works . . 147 Davis, D. S. Non-marine Mol- lusca of Mersea Island ...... 358 Dawn chorus, 1960 and 1961, 1963-1964 ................ 72, 279 Deer, Fallow, status .......... 186 Deer of Hatfield Forest ........ 354 Denehole at Purfleet .......... 271 Deneholes, insects from ........ 118 Deneholes, investigations at Hangman's Wood ............ 1 Diptera. See Crane-flies. Domesday Essex, natural history of .......................... 237 Dormouse, status .............. 183 E Earthstars, records ........ 137, 331 Epping Forest, earthstars in .... 137 Epping Forest, Fallow Deer from. 148 Epping Forest Museum ........ 75 Epping Forest, reptiles and amphibians .................. 141 F Fallow Deer, from Epping Forest ...................... 148 Fambridge, North — Lepidoptera at .......................... 377 Fingringhoe Wick, Hymenoptera at .......................... 264 Fleming, J. Albino Robin...... 157 Fox, status .................... 184 Friedlein, J. Butterflies and Moths at North Fambridge . . 377 Friedlein, J. Hand - reared Swallow .................... 376 Friedlein, J. T. Magpie in Essex. 156 Friedlein, J. T. Silver Washed Fritillaries and White Admirals in S.E. Essex Woods .......... 157 Fritillary, Silver Washed in Essex ...................... 157 Fungi. See Mycology. G Geaster, in Epping Forest ...... 137 Geology, exposures in West Ham ........................ 229 Geology Group, Annual Report, 1961, 1962, 1964, 1965 ...... 78, 162, 335, 380 Geology, observations in western Essex ........................ 226 Globe Pit, excavations ........ 199 Grasshopper Warbler .......... 377 Grays. See Thurrock, Little. Grays, preliminary report on investigations in the deneholes at Hangman's Wood .......... 1 H Hammond, P. M. Beetle Lath- ridius bifasciatus in Essex .... 172 Hammond, P. Beetles of Skippers Island ...................... 99 Hammond, P. M. Insects from the deneholes, Grays—addenda . . 118 Hammond, P. Terrestrial inver- tebrates from Skippers Island. 104 Hammond, P. M. See Chapman, D. I. Hare, status .................. 180 Harley, L. S. Additional records of tobacco-pipe makers in Essex and E. Anglia .......... 213 Harley, L. S. Roman Pottery from Matching ............ 347 Harley, L. S. Round Towers . . 218 Hatfield Forest, deer of ........ 354 Heathcote, A. Book review . . 164, 234. 381 Hedgehog, status .............. 177 Hobday, S. M. See Clark, J. T. Hornchurch. See Corbets Tey. Hymenoptera at Fingringhoe Wick ................ ....... 264 Hymenoptera of Essex, Part 1 . . 64 I Invertebrates, terrestrial, of Skippers Island .............. 104 Jane, F. W. (obituary) .......... 333 Jermyn, S. T. Botanical notes and records for 1962 ........ 132 Jermyn, S. T. Botanical Report for 1964 .................... 300 Jermyn, S. T. Gardens at Warley Place ........................ 370 Jermyn, S. T. Plant hunting and recording in Essex .......... 25 Johnson, M. S. Note .......... 156 Jones, A. G. Notes on East Tilbury ...................... 214 L Lathridius bifasciatus in Essex . . 172 Lepidoptera. See Butterflies. Lepidoptera of North-east Essex 105 Lexden, Fauna and Flora from the Brick Pit at.............. 15 Lucanus cervus in North-east Essex .................. 167, 267 M Magpie, status in 1959 and 1960 75 Magpie, status in Essex......... 156 Malaria in Essex .............. 35