INDEX iii Malenoir, G. Further notes on the reptiles and amphibians of Epping Forest, 1959-61 ...... 141 Malenoir, G. Reptiles and amphibians, 1960-61 .......... 190 Mammal Group, Annual Report, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965 .. 78, 163, 233, 336, 380 Mammals of Essex ............ 176 Mammals, notes on for 1963-64 . . 273 Marshall, K. Ancient roads at Stratford, E.15 .............. 208 Marshall, K. Denehole at Pur- fleet, Essex.................. 271 Marshall, K, Excavation of a ditched enclosure site at Corbets Tey. Hornchurch .... 118 Marshall, K. Notes on boreholes and geological exposures in West Ham .................. 229 Marshall, K. Book review .... 165 Matching, Roman pottery at .... 347 Meetings during 1961 .......... 81 Mersea Island, molluscs of .... 358 Milligan, G. M. Seaweeds of the Blackwater Estuary .......... 309 Mite Parasitus bomborum, the . . 284 Mole, status.................. 178 Molluscs, of Mersea Island .... 358 Mosquitoes and malaria in Essex 35 Mosses. See Bryophyte Notes. Mouse, Harvest, status ......... 182 Mouse, House, status .......... 182 Mouse, Long-tailed, status ...... 181 Mouse, Yellow-necked, status . . 181 Museum, Epping Forest ........ 75 Mycology, notes for 1963, 1964, 1965 ................ 198, 332, 375 N Nature conservation in Essex . . 85 Nematodes from Skippers Island 280 O Osprey in Essex .............. 156 Otter, status .................. 185 P Page, W. W. Badger records for Essex, 1965 .................. 353 Page, W. and D. Scott. Essex Badger Survey, 1963 ........ 188 Page, W. and D. Scott. Badger records, 1964 ................ 278 Parasitus bomborum, study of .. 285 Parker, M. T. Book review___ 81 Parker, M. T. Bird notes . . 331, 357 Parker, M. T. Dawn chorus, 1960-61, 1963-64 .......... 72, 278 Parker, M. T. Magpie in Essex 75 Parker, M. T. Osprey in Essex 156 Parker, M. T. Unusual coloration in tadpoles .................. 156 Payne, R. M. Crane-flies in Thorndon Park ........ ___ 342 Place-names in Essex .......... 237 Plant hunting and recording . . 25 Porpoise, records .............. 186 Pottery, Roman ................ 347 Pratt, C. B. Obituary of E. E. Syms ........................ 379 Purfleet, denehole at .......... 271 R Rabbit, status.................. 179 Rat, Black, status .............. 182 Rat, Brown, status ............ 182 Reptiles, in Epping Forest...... 141 Reptiles, in Essex, notes for 1960 190 Reynolds, C. S. Observations on the Cladoceran Scapholeberis mucronata.................. 363 River Lee, algal flora .......... 193 River survey, biological method 244 Roads, ancient, at Stratford ... 208 Robin, albino .................. 157 Roman pottery at Matching .... 347 Ross, Joseph, 1873-1962 (Obituary) 158 Round Towers, in Essex ...... 218 S Salt-marsh, survey of .......... 294 Samson, S. J. M. Skippers Island, 1945-1952 ............ 51 Sandford, H. A. Distribution of the Comfreys in Essex ...... 288 Saunders. E. Bryophyte Notes for 1961, 1962, 1963 .. 70, 138, 328 Saunders, E. (book review) .... 337 Saunders, Eric—obituary ...... 339 Scapholeberis mucronata ...... 363 Scott, D. See Page, W. Scott, D. R. Emergence Times of the Badger in South-west Essex ...................... 23 Scott, D. Book Notice ........ 382 Scott, D. See Page, W. Seal, Common, records ........ 186 Seaweeds of Blackwater estuary 309 Seear, M. Notes on the mammals of Essex .................... 176 Shotton, F. W., A. J. Sutcliffe and R. G. West. Fauna and Flora from the Brick Pit at Lexden, Essex .............. 15 Shrew, Common, status ........ 177 Shrew, Pygmy, status .......... 177 Shrew, Water, status .......... 178 Skippers Island, history from 1945-1952 ..... 51 Skippers Island, 1955-61 ....... 63 Skippers Island, beetles of ..... 99 Skippers Island, nematodes from ........................ 280