iv INDEX Skippers Island, terrestrial in- vertebrates .................. 104 Snelling, A. J. R. Excavations at the Globe Pit, Little Thur- rock, Grays .................. 199 Spencer, H, E. P. Essex fossil ziphoid whale and its implica- tion of geographical changes . . 348 Squirrel, Grey, status .......... 183 Squirrel, Red, status .......... 183 Stag Beetle in North-east Essex 167, 267 Stebbing, P. D. Study of the Mite Parasitus bomborum .... 284 Stebbing, P. D. Hymenoptera at Fingringhoe Wick ............ 264 Stoat, status .................. 185 Stratford, ancient roads at .... 208 Stratford. See also West Ham. Sutcliffe, A. J. See Shotton, F. W. Swale, E. M. F. and J. H. Belcher. Algal flora of the river Lee. 3. Volvocales and Clorococcales ................ 193 Swallow, hand-reared .......... 376 Symphytum spp., distribution .. 288 Syms, E. E.—obituary .......... 378 T Thorndon Park, crane-flies of .. 342 Thurrock, Little. Globe Pit excavations .................. 199 Tilbury, East, notes on ........ 214 Tobacco-pipe makers, additional records ...................... 213 V Vole, Bank, status ............ 180 Vole, Short-tailed, status ...... 181 Vole, Water, status ............ 181 W Warley Place, garden .......... 370 Weasel, status ................ 186 West Ham, boreholes and geo- logical exposures ............ 229 West, R. G. See Shotton, F. W. Whale, Fin, record ............ 187 Whale, fossil .................. 348 Wheeler, A. (book reviews) .. 80, 337, 338, 382 Wheeler, A. Introduction to . .Skippers Island History ...... 51 White Admiral in Essex ...... 157 Williams, E. F. Entomological notes ........................ 331 Williams, E. F. Skippers Island, 1955-1961 .................... 63 Winter, effects on birds in gardens ...................... 155 Winter, effects of on animals in rivers ...................... 147 Wryneck at Colne Engaine .... 331 Y Young, W. M. Book reviews . . 80, 81 Z Ziphoid Whale at East Mersea .. 189 Ziphoid Whale, fossil .......... 348