THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB Founded 1880 RULES (Adopted at a General Meeting held on 21st March 1959, with Amendments adopted on 23rd March 1964 and 27th March 1965) Name and Objects 1. The Society shall be called "The Essex Field Club". Its objects shall be the encouragement of the study of the Natural History, Geology and Archaeology of the County of Essex and its border- lands, and the publication of the results of such study. Constitution 2. The Club shall consist of Ordinary Members, Honorary Mem- bers and Affiliated bodies. Management 3. The Management of the Club and the control of its Property shall be vested in a Council of Members of the Club. The Council shall consist of the President, Treasurer, General Secretary, Editor, Assistant Officers, Permanent Vice-Presidents, as provided by Rule 5, and nine other persons. The Council may co-opt other Club Members, not exceeding three, who shall remain Members of the Council until the next Annual General Meeting. Five to form a quorum. Retirement of Officers and Members of Council 4. All the Officers and their Assistants and those three Members of the Council who have been longest in office shall retire at the Annual General Meeting each year, but, unless as Officers or Assistant Officers, shall not be eligible for re-election for the ensuing year. Permanent 5. Past Presidents shall hold office as Permanent Vice-Presidents Vice-Presidents during their membership of the Club. For a period of five years following their term of office as President they shall be ex-officio Members of the Council. Recorders 6. Certain Members may be appointed by the Council to act as Recorders. Their names and addresses shall be printed with the list of Officers and their duties shall be to keep records within their respective limits of the Natural History, Geology and Archaeology of Essex, and to communicate items of interest to the Club. Each Recorder shall furnish the Council with an annual report. Groups 7. Subject to the discretion of the Council, Groups may be formed within the membership of the Club, for the further study of aspects of the Natural History, Geology and Archaeology of Essex. The management of each Group shall be vested in a Committee elected annually at the first meeting of the Group after the Annual General Meeting, and the Secretary of this Committee shall keep the Council informed of its activities. The President and the General Secretary (or their deputies) shall be ex-officio Members of all Group Committees.