Election Of 8. The names of those Members nominated by the Council as Officers and Officers (and Assistant Officers, if required) and for the vacancies Members of on the Council for the ensuing year shall be printed on the notice Council calling an Ordinary Meeting in February. Any Member may nomi- nate any other Member for any office or vacancy either in writing before the February meeting or at the February meeting, all such nominations to be duly seconded. The full list of nominations shall be read at the February meeting and printed on the notice calling the Annual General Meeting. At the Annual General Meet- ing the Officers, their Assistants (if any), and Members of Council shall be elected (by ballot if necessary). Should a vacancy occur among the Officers or in the Council, the Council may appoint an Acting Officer or co-opt a member to the Council to fill the vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting. Chairman of 9. In the absence of the President and Vice-Presidents the Mem- Meeting bers present at any meeting of the Club shall elect a Chairman for that Meeting. Election of 10. Every candidate for Ordinary Membership shall be proposed Members by one Member and shall sign an undertaking to abide by the rules if elected. The proposal shall be read at the next meeting, or printed on the next circular. At the following meeting, unless objection be raised and sustained by a majority of the Members present, the Chairman shall declare the candidate duly elected. Rights of 11(a). Members are entitled to attend all the meetings of the Club, Members to use the Library and Museum in accordance with the regulations and to receive a copy of each issue of The Essex Naturalist. Subscriptions (b). The annual subscription for members is 30/-, payable im- mediately after their election and afterwards due on January 1st each year. Members who are full-time students may pay a subscription at one half the standard rate. The second and subsequent members of the same family residing in the same house who are willing to forego individual copies of The Essex Naturalist may each pay an additional subscription of 15/- annually. Members elected after October 1st shall be exempt from payment of subscriptions for the year in which they are elected, but shall not be entitled to receive The Essex Naturalist issued during that year. Every Member whose subscription is 12 months in arrears shall ipso facto cease to be a Member of the Club but the Council shall have power at its discretion to reinstate such Member on payment of all arrears. Honorary 12. Honorary Members shall be persons of eminence in Natural Members History, Geology or Archaeology, or those who have rendered special service to the Club. They shall be elected only at a General Meeting upon the recommendation of the Council and no subscrip- tion shall be required of them. Compounding 13. An Ordinary Member may compound for his annual subscrip- tion by a single payment. The fee payable shall be determined by the Council.