Synopsis of the Agreement of 21st May 1956, referred to in Rule 20 A governing body of the Passmore Edwards Museum was appointed, in which was vested the Library and Collections contained in the Museum. The Governors of the Museum are eight in number. Four are appointed by the Corporation of West Ham, three by the Council of the Club, and one by the Museums Association. The Governors are required to administer the Museum as a centre of information and study of Biology, Geology, Topography, Meteorology and Ethnology, and kindred subjects, with particular reference to Essex and of the pre-history, antiquities, and industries of Essex. The Club gives to the Library copies of the journals and publications it receives in exchange for copies of The Essex Naturalist, and a copy of each of its publications. The Club is to provide such assistance to the Governors as is within its power and that of its Members, and is to encourage its Members to add to the general collection of the Museum as opportunity offers. Books, manuscripts, and documents, comprising the Library are avail- able for home perusal by Members of the Club in accordance with regula- tions made from time to time by the Governors.