THE MARINE FAUNA OF THE BLACKWATER ESTUARY 39 Triphoridae Triphora perversa (Linne) One record only; a shell taken in a grab sample at station C.2 (2.1964). Epitoniidae Clathrus Clathrus (Linne) One record only; a broken shell found on the shore at Bradwell (10.7.1965). Clathrus clathratulus (Kanmacher) Shells occasionally taken in grab samples from clean shelly bottoms in the middle of the Blackwater, off Mill Creek. One living juvenile from station C.3 (29.11.1961). Pyramidellidae Odostomia eulimoides Hanley Parasitic on Oysters. Reported to be common in some years on oyster beds in the Colne estuary, but not recorded from the Blackwater. Turbonilla elegantissima (Montagu) Shells common in bottom deposits and in shell sand on beaches at the seaward end of the Blackwater. There are no records of living animals. Calyptraeidae Crepidula fornicata (Linne) American Slipper Limpet A sedentary species living individually on stones and shells or in clusters, on the lower shore and sub-littorally. It was introduced into Essex waters with imported American oysters in about 1880-1890 (Cole, 1897) and was considered to be rare at the beginning of the century. By 1915 the species became so abundant as to be considered an oyster pest (Cole, 1915). The spread of Crepidula to other parts of the British coast has been recorded by Robson (1915). In recent years the species has been abundant in the Blackwater seawards of Northey Island and also in the Colne. The greatest density of population occurs along the south side of the Blackwater between Thirslet and Pewet Island, with numbers of up to 2,000 animals per m2 recorded from some samples. Breeding takes place from April to September and shows some lunar periodicity; the times of maximum spawning being at, or immediately after, neap tides (Chipperfield, 1951). After about 36 days of planktonic larval life settlement and metamorphosis to the adult form occurs. There have been good and poor spatfall years, 1960 and 1964 being the best in recent years. Naticidae Natica catena (da Costa) Shells are occasionally found on the shores at the seaward end of the Blackwater. Freshly vacated shells and shells of bivalves,