40 THE ESSEX NATURALIST such as Macoma, with the characteristic borings of Natica, were collected on the Buxey Sand in 1962, suggesting that the species may have been living in some numbers on the sand banks at that time. Order Stenoglossa MURICIDAE Trophon muricatus (Montagu) Shells sometimes recorded in the material taken in grab samples from the Blackwater. Nucella lapillus (Linne) Dog-Whelk. Recorded from the Blackwater in 1928-29 by Orton and Lewis (1931) and in recent investigations. The species is mainly found on the lower shore among stones and also among clumps of mussels. It may be quite numerous in some places. Orton and Lewis, in their paper, show that Nucella occurred mainly below low water mark at that time. Urosalpinx cinerea (Say) American Whelk Tingle An American species, introduced to the Essex oyster grounds with imported oysters in the early 1900's. Orton and Lewis (1931) recorded it as common for the period 1928-29 and noted that it was hardy to the severity of that winter. In recent years Urosalpinx has been commonly found on oyster layings in creeks but is not common in the main part of the Blackwater except perhaps in the Thirslet area. It is considered to be a major pest on oyster grounds as it feeds on young oysters. Ocenebra erinacea (Linne) English Whelk Tingle or Sting-winkle Orton and Lewis (1931) reported that the species was common in the Blackwater previous to the winter of 1928-29 but suffered badly from the low temperatures experienced at that time. Mistakidis and Hancock (1951) produced evidence of a recovery of the population, but in the Blackwater this is not very apparent. Shells are very common on the shores and in bottom samples but living specimens are rarely found. One living specimen was obtained in a dredge sample in the Bench Head area (18.9.1961) and others have been found on the lower shore. Buccinidae Neptunea antiqua (Linne) Almond Whelk Shells are commonly washed up on the beaches of Mersea Island and at Bradwell, but living specimens can only be caught in deeper water outside the Blackwater and Colne. Living specimens and spawn were collected from the Wallet on 4.5.1961. Buccinum undatum Linne Common Whelk Common on bottoms of shell, and shell and mud, from Osea Island seawards, in the Blackwater. It had previously been recorded by Cole (1888) and Walne (1956). In the recent investi- gation, maximum numbers of 5-10 per nr of bottom were recorded.