42 THE ESSEX NATURALIST ments from the Blackwater. The species may be common in the fine sediments offshore. Order Acochlidiacea LIMAPONTIIDAE Acteonia senestra Quatrefages Fairly common on mud among the roots of plants in a small salting above Maldon railway bridge (11.5.1965). May also be common in other saltings in the area as, being small and green in colour, it is easily overlooked. Order Nudibranchia LIMACIIDAE Acanthodoris pilosa (Muller) Always present and sometimes common on clean shelly places at low tide level and below. Particularly found on stations S.18 and S.19, and in the Thirslet area in 1960 and 1961; also in the area of Bradwell Creek in 1965. The ribbons of spawn may be found attached to stones on the lower shore in spring and early summer. Ancula cristata (Alder) Rare in the Blackwater. One specimen was recorded from the shore at Bradwell in March 1959 and another obtained from the water intake system of Bradwell Power Station on 2.4.1965. Dendronotidae Dendronotus frondosus (Ascanius) Large numbers of this species were found living in the water intake culverts of Bradwell Power Station in June 1965, associated with Tubullaria and actiniarians. There are no previous records for the area and it can only be assumed that the concrete walls of the culvert, giving a good habitat for the coelenterates, have encouraged the establishment of this population. DOTOIDAE Doto coronata (Gmelin) One specimen taken in a trawl haul in the Bench Head area (22.5.1962). Commonly found on hydroids in Thirslet Creek and at some points along the north side of the Blackwater during 1964 and 1965. Facelinidae Facelina sp. Numerous specimens were found on shells and among seaweeds on the lower shore at the entrance to Bradwell Creek and along the shore towards Weymark's Sluice in May 1964.