46 THE ESSEX NATURALIST number recorded from grab sampling, 25/m3, was obtained at station TL.3 (6.12.1961). Cardium edule Linne Common Cockle Very common on the tidal flats of the Blackwater in sand and sandy-mud, from middle shore to just below low water mark. Extends from the low salinity areas below Maldon to the offshore sand banks. Sampling on the north shore of the Blackwater produced, in 1964, up to 416 per m3. The sub-species, lamarcki Reeve, probably occurs locally in saltings or other areas of wide salinity fluctuation. Some living specimens of this sub-species were collected from a tank connected to the cooling system of Bradwell Power Station in 1963. The animals must have entered as planktonic larvae. Cardium crassum Gmelin Only one record; a single valve in poor condition, collected in a dredge sample from the middle of the Blackwater in October 1960. Veneridae Venerupis aurea (Gmelin) Shells are common on most shores of the Blackwater and Colne estuaries. Living specimens have been obtained from Thirslet Creek in 1960 and 1962. The species was previously recorded in 1888 (Cole) and "... obtained alive from the mud of Mersea, being fairly abundant", by Sorby (1903). Venerupis pullastra (Montagu) Shells are common on the shores of the Blackwater, and some living specimens were taken on the lower shore of Mersea Island in 1964. Venerupis decussata fusca (Gmelin) Single valves occasionally found on the shores or taken in dredge samples, but no living specimens found. Petricolidae Petricola pholadiformis Lamarck Introduced from North America with imported oysters in the 1880's. First recorded by H. C. Sorby in 1901. Common and widespread, burrowing into mud on the lower shore and below low water mark in the Blackwater. Shells commonly washed up on the shore. Tellinidae Tellina tenuis da Costa Not common. Shells only, dredged from sandy bottoms at the mouth of the Blackwater and in Whitaker Channel (4.6.1965). Tellina fabula Gmelin Not common. Shells found with those of T. tenuis.