48 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Mactridae Mactra Corallina cinerea Montagu Shells occasionally found on beaches at the mouth of the Blackwater. Shells, in good condition, were obtained from Buxey Sand and by dredging in Swire Hole (1962). No living specimens have been found. Spisula elliptica (Brown) Shells and living specimens have been obtained from a variety of bottoms at the seaward end of the Blackwater and from the Colne Bar area in May 1965. Shells are commonly found on most shores. Spisula subtruncata (da Costa) Shells have been found on the shores and in the bottom sedi- ments of the Blackwater. Some living specimens were dredged in Whitaker Channel in June 1965. Myidae Mya truncata Linne Shells common on the shores. Living animals taken less fre- quently, mostly from bottom samples of mud, shell and gravel in the Thirslet area (1960 and 1961). Mya arenaria Linne Very common in sandy mud and mud on the lower shores, in creeks; juveniles occasionally below low water mark. Shells commonly occur on all beaches. Sphenia binghami Turton Small specimens sometimes taken alive; mostly on the cleaner bottoms. HB3 (18.8.1960), S.19 (21.9.1960), C.3 (7.2.1962), and Eagle (25.5.1962). Erodonidae Corbula gibba (Olivi) Only one record; a living, adult specimen, dredged from a bottom of sand and shell south of Bachelor's Spit (7.1962). Hiatellidae Hiatella arctica (Linne) Shells common on the shore. Living specimens found burrow- ing into soft stone or attached by byssus to dead mollusc shells and Sabellaria colonies. Also found among fouling in the water intake culverts of Bradwell Power Station. Generally distributed in the Blackwater and offshore. There is some variation in the forms of the specimens collected but all have been grouped as H. arctica.