50 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Phylum CHAETACNATHA Sagitta elegans Verrill Rare in the plankton during May 1963. Sagitta setosa J. Muller Rare in the plankton during 1962 and 1963. Phylum KAMPTOZOA (POLYZOA ENTOPROCTA) Pedicellinidae Pedicellina sp. Frequently seen on hydroid colonies dredged from Thirslet Creek and adjacent areas with clean shelly bottoms. Phylum POLYZOA s. star. Order Cyclostomata DlASTOPORIDAE Diastopora patina (Lamarck) Dredged in the Blackwater, 25.5.1961. Order Gymnolaemata Membraniporidae Membranipora membranacea (Linne) Common and widely distributed on clean shelly bottoms. En- crusting on shells and stones. Records probably include other species in the family. Membranipora monostachys (Busk) Dredged in the Blackwater, 25.5.1961. Electra pilosa (Linne) Common on holdfasts of Laminaria and other large algae occurring at or below low water mark. Also obtained from the shells of Mytilus edulis in fouling on ships (5.1960). Conopeum reticulum (Linne) Dredged from the Blackwater, 25.5.1961. Amphiblestrum flemingi (Busk) Dredged from the Blackwater, 25.5.1961. Flustridae Flustra foliacea (Linne) Common and widely distributed on bottoms of shells and stone, mostly below low water mark but also on the lower shore. Occurs from off Osea Island seawards. Scrupocellariidae Scrupocellaria scruposa (Linne) Common, attached to shells and on Flustra and tunicates. Occurs in all parts of the area seawards of Osea Island at, or below, low water mark.