THE MARINE FAUNA OF THE BLACKWATER ESTUARY 51 Scrupocellaria reptans (Linne) Common, with S. scruposa, but perhaps more abundant where there is less mud in the sediment. ESCHARELLIDAE Escharella variolosa (Johnston) Dredged from the Blackwater, 25.5.1961. Hippopoeinidae Cryptosula pallasiana (Moll.) Dredged from the Blackwater, 25.5.1961. Alcyonidiidae Alcyonidium gelatinosum (Linne) Common and widespread over clean shelly and stony bottoms, mostly below low water mark. Often obtained in large quantities in the summer from areas at the mouth of the Blackwater. Alcyonidium polyuum (Hassal) Encrusting on shells and stones on clean bottoms, particularly in the vicinity of Thirslet Creek. Alcyonidium mytili Dalyell On a wreck in Strood Channel, West Mersea, 25.5.1961. Vesiculariidae Vesicularia spinosa (Linne) Dredged off St. Peter's Flats, 19.7.1962. Bowerbankia imbricata (Adams) Several specimens attached to shells on the lower shore near Weymark's Sluice, Bradwell, 4.9.1963. Bowerbankia citrina (Hincks) From the shore at Bradwell, 7.1960. Ammathia lendigera (Linne) Usually found attached to hydroid colonies or on shells. Thirslet Creek, 1960. Valkeriidae Valkeria uva (Linne) From the shore at Bradwell, 7.1958. Phylum ECHINODERMATA Class ASTEROIDEA Order Spinulosa Solasteridae Solaster papposus (Linne) Sun Star Common over most parts of the area except where the bottom is excessively muddy. Mostly obtained by dredging but some-