52 THE ESSEX NATURALIST times occurring on the lower shore. Cole (1888) records Solaster from the Blackwater, and Walne (1956) gives records of its pres- ence from Osea Island to St. Lawrence Bay and in areas offshore. During the period 1960 to 1965 there seems to have been a steady decline in numbers both in the Blackwater and immediately off- shore. Spawning takes place in the spring and juveniles can be seen in the benthos in late summer. ECHINASTERIDAE Henricia sanguinolenta (O. F. Muller) Recorded as Cribella sanguinolenta during the Essex Field Club excursion of September 1888 (Cole, 1888). Order Forcipulata ASTERIIDAE Asterias rubens Linne Common Starfish or Five-finger Common and widely distributed in the Blackwater and Colne and offshore, on most types of bottom except mud. Previously recorded in the Blackwater by the Essex Field Club (Cole, 1888) and in offshore waters by Walne (1956). In the period 1960-1965, A. rubens was recorded as far up river as Thirslet but it may extend further than this. Spawn has been collected from April to June and juveniles seen from about May onwards each year. Sampling has shown an increase in the population from 1960 to 1961, but a marked decrease from then until 1965. The species is regarded as a serious oyster pest in the Blackwater and other Essex oyster grounds, but Hancock (1955) has shown experiment- ally that A. rubens will actually feed on Urosalpinx and Crepidula in preference to oysters. A caprellid, Podalirius typicus, is often found as a commensal with A. rubens in the Blackwater. Class OPHIUROIDEA Order Oplliurae Ophiotrichidae Ophiothrix fragilis (Abildgaard) Locally common on clean shell or stony bottoms and often associated with the mussel Modiolus modiolus and sponge Halichondria panicea. From 1960 to 1962 the species was most commonly obtained on stations TL.2, TL.3, C.3, N.3, S.21, HB.l, HB.4 and N.6. As a result of the severe winter of 1962-63 the population decreased to an undetectable level, but by the summer of 1964 numbers had begun to build up again. Newly settled juveniles recorded from the benthos in June (1961) indicate an early summer spawning.