THE MARINE FAUNA OF THE BLACKWATER ESTUARY 53 Amphiuridae Acrocnida branchiata (Montagu) On the lower shore at Bradwell (2.2.1962). May be common as one of the many ophiuroids collected from the Blackwater benthos but not identified. Ophiolepidae Ophiura texturata Lamarck Identified from among ophiuroids collected by dredge on bottoms of sandy mud at the mouth of the Blackwater and off- shore. Ophiura albida Forbes Identified from among ophiuroids collected by dredging on bottoms of sandy mud at the mouth of the Blackwater and offshore. Ophioglypha ciliata Muller Recorded from the Blackwater by the Essex Field Club excur- sion of September 1888 (Cole). May be synonymous with one of the species of ophiuroid given above. Class ECHINOIDEA Order Diadematoidea ECHINIDAE Psammechinus miliaris (Gmelin) Not an important member of the benthos within the Black- water but common in offshore waters. Cole (1888) gives records of specimens taken in dredge hauls within the Blackwater, and Orton and Lewis (1931) indicate that it was abundant in Thirslet Creek in 1913 but rare after the 1914-18 war. It is suggested that mortalities may have occurred as a result of the severe winter of 1916-17. Records from recent investigations are restricted to the mouth of the Blackwater and offshore areas. During May-June 1962, specimens were commonly found at Swin-Spitway, North Eagle, Colne Bar, Knoll, Wallet Channel and North Buxey Beacon. Dredge hauls taken on 'ross' ground could contain up to twelve specimens. The species was still present in these areas in 1963 showing no deleterious effects from the severe winter. Echinus sphaera (Muller) Recorded by the Essex Field Club excursion of 1888 (Cole, 1888). Class HOLOTHUROIDEA Holothurians were recorded as abundant by the Essex Field Club in 1888. Recently, occasional specimens have been obtained in dredge samples from the Thirslet area. No specific identifica- tions have been made.