54 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Phylum CHORDATA Sub-Phylum TUNICATA Class ASCIDIACEA Order Enterogona DIDEMNIDAE Didemnum maculosum (Milne Edwards) Dredged in Thirslet Creek, 13.9.1960. Probably common. CIONIDAE Ciona intestinalis (Linne) Common, often in large clusters, on the shelly bottoms of creeks, on oyster beds and as fouling on posts and anchored ships. Perophoridae Perophora listeri Forbes Dredged in Thirslet Creek (14.7.1960) and off St. Peter's Plats (19.7.1960). Mostly growing on hydroids. Probably common. Ascidiidae Ascidiella aspersa (O. F. Muller) Very common on oyster grounds where there is a mixture of shell and mud. Often attached to the insides of empty Crepidula shells. The commensal Copepods Ascidicola rosea and Notodelphys allmani are often found in the pharynx of this animal. Ascidia mentula O. F. Muller Mostly found on clean shelly ground; the individuals being in small clusters attached to old shells. Ascidia conchilega O. F. Muller Mostly found on clean shelly ground. May be common, but in the routine bottom fauna sampling few specific identifications within the genus Ascidia were made. Order Pleurogona Styelidae Dendrodoa grossularia (van Beneden) Abundant on clean shelly and stony bottoms, particularly on stations TL.2 and TL.3 where counts of over 8,000 animals per m3 have been made. Distributed from about the Thirslet area to offshore waters. Botryllus schlosseri (Pallas) Common on hydroids and weeds in Thirslet Creek. Botrylloides leachi (Savigny) Common on hydroids and weeds in Thirslet Creek.