THE MARINE FAUNA OF THE BLACKWATER ESTUARY 55 MOLGULIDAE Molgula oculata Forbes Occasional on shelly bottoms, with or without a certain amount of mud. Recorded from stations at Thirslet and along the north and south shores during 1960. May also include other members of the genus. Class COPELATA (— Larvacea) OIKOPLEURIDAE Oikopleura dioica Fol. In plankton samples; mostly in June and August extending into October 1962, and in June extending into October 1963. Sub-Phylum VERTEBRATA Class MARSIPOBRANCHII Order Hyperoartia Petromyzonidae Petromyzon marinus Linne Sea Lamprey Noted as uncommon in 1891 when a specimen weighing 4 lbs. was caught at Hythe Quay on the Colne (Essex Naturalist). Class SELACHII Order Pleurotremata Lamnidae Lamna cornubica (Gmelin) Porbeagle Shark Occasionally recorded at the beginning of the century, off Brightlingsea, Tollesbury and Clacton (Essex Naturalist). Scyliorhinidae Scyliorhinus caniculus (Linne) Lesser-spotted Dogfish Occasional records from fishermen. Caught in trawl on the Bench Head but mostly found further offshore (1962). Carcharinidae Galeorhinus galeus (Linne) Tope Fairly common. Caught in trawls on the Bench Head and offshore (1962) and by anglers in the Blackwater. A record nine- foot Tope was caught off Maylandsea in 1847. Mustelus mustelus (Linne) Smooth Hound Occasionally taken in trawl hauls. Bench Head and Swire Hole (1962). Squatinidae Squatina squatina (Linne) Angel Fish One record from Swire Hole (1962). Probably common off- shore.