56 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Order Hypotremata Rajidae Raja clavata (Linne) Thornback Ray Common in the spring and summer with sometimes an exten- sion into the autumn. Breeds in the spring and the juveniles are to be seen in the late summer. This species is a mainstay of the local inshore fishery. Some specimens carry the parasitic leech Pontobdella muricata. Trygonidae Dasyatis pastinaca (Linne) Sting Bay Occasional in the summer; recent records from Cocum Hills, Thirslet (1962) and at the Barrier Wall, Bradwell (1965). Class PISCES Order Chondrostei Acipenseridae Acipenser sturio (Linne) Sturgeon Recorded at Maldon and Heybridge in 1886, 1889 and 1898, the largest being 7 ft. 11 ins. in length. A large specimen was caught in the Colne in 1700 (Essex Naturalist). There are no recent records. Order Isospondyli Clupeidae Clupea harengus Linne Herring First appear in the Blackwater during the autumn but do not become common until the early winter. The fish come into the area to spawn and spawning has been observed in April 1963 and April 1964 on the Colne Bar and Eagle. The eggs are attached to stones and shells on the bottom. The young Herring or white- bait may be seen throughout the year. These fish are mainly a smaller variety than the North Sea Herring, but the larger fish do also occur. The best fishing takes place when the Herring are shoaling in preparation for spawning. The years 1954-56 were poor for the fishery but there has been an improvement up to 1965. The 1963 season gave the best catches for many years. Clupea sprattus (Linne) Sprat Very common and often abundant in the winter forming the basis of an important fishery. There are marked fluctuations in the catches from year to year. 1955 and 1956 were good years but from then until 1961 were comparatively poor. There was then an improvement to the very good seasons of 1963 and 1964. The fish come into the Blackwater for spawning, which takes place in the late winter. After this the fish move out of the area.