THE MARINE FAUNA OF THE BLACKWATER ESTUARY 57 Salmonidae Salmo salar Linne Salmon Salmon have not been recorded from the tidal waters, but it has been noted that on 12th April, 1904, a salmon, which must have travelled up the Blackwater, was caught at Kelvedon. Some years previous to this event, salmon could be caught in nets in the Blackwater estuary (Essex Naturalist). Salmo trutta Linne Trout Noted as being caught in the Blackwater Estuary in 1889 (Essex Naturalist). Recently re-introduced to non-tidal parts of the Blackwater by the Essex River Authority. Osmeridae Osmerus eperlanus (Linne) Smelt Common in the winter but also present at other times. One caught in a trawl on the Colne Bar (27.5.1965). Order Apodes Anguillidae Anguilla anguilla (Linne) Common Eel Often common at places where there is some freshwater run-off from the land. Also found around the warm water discharge at the Barrier Wall, Bradwell. Congridae Conger conger (Linne) Conger Eel Specimens, occasionally of large size, recorded from the Black- water. During the winter of 1962-63 many were washed up dead on the shore. Order Synentognathi Scomberesocidae Scomberesox saurus (Walbaum) Skipper One specimen caught at West Mersea in 1907. Noted as being common in the Thames Estuary in 1960 (Wheeler & Mistakidis). Belonidae Belone belone (Linne) Garfish Fairly common in the summer and taken as a food fish locally. Order Solenichthyes Syngnathidae Syngnathus acus Linne Great Pipe-fish Fairly common. Specimens taken in trawl hauls from along the south shore and mid-river in the Blackwater and in the Bench Head area (1960-65). Syngnathus rostellatus Nilsson Fairly common in trawl hauls in the Blackwater.