58 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Order Anacanthini Merlucciidae Merluccius merluccius (Linne) Hake One record from fishermen. Gadidae Gadus callarias Linne Cod Small specimens frequently taken in trawl hauls during the summer, including some with distorted bodies. Some fine, large specimens have been taken in mid-water trawls while fishing for sprats in the winter. Gadus luscus Linne Pout Often common in the summer and autumn in most parts of the Blackwater and offshore. Merlangius merlangus (Linne) Whiting Often common during the summer and autumn. Micromesistius poutassou (Risso) Blue Whiting Rare. A few specimens taken in the mouth of the Blackwater and offshore in November 1964 (Wheeler, 1965). Ciliata mustela (Linne) Five-bearded Rockling Recorded as common in 1888. Occasional in recent years. One from trawl haul on Colne Bar, August 1964. Onos tricirratus (Bloch) Three-bearded Rockling Recorded as unusually common in 1888 (Cole). Order Zeomorphi Zeidae Zeus faber Linne John Dory One record from fishermen. Order Percomorphi Serranidae Morone labrax (Linne) Bass Fairly common in the summer. Taken locally for food, some- times in trawls but mainly by netting and harpooning in creeks. Carangidae Trachurus trachurus (Linne) Horse Mackerel Occasional in 1964 and 1965. Trachinidae Trachinus sp. Weever There are a few records from fishermen but none recently. Gobiidae Gobius niger Linne Black Goby One record from the north shore of the Blackwater (1960).