THE MARINE FAUNA OF THE BLACKWATER ESTUARY 59 Gobius flavescens Fabricius Spotted Goby One specimen, 21/2 in. long, trawled in the Blackwater in September 1888 (Cole, 1888). Gobius minutus Pallas Common Goby Common and widely distributed on shelly bottoms. Often taken in grab and dredge samples. Aphia minuta (Risso) Transparent Goby Occasionally taken in grab and dredge samples. Callionymidae Callionymus lyra Linne Dragonet Occasionally taken in trawl hauls. Blenniidae Blennius gattorugine Linne One caught off Stansgate in 1898 (Essex Naturalist). Pholidae Pholis gunnellus (Linne) Butterfish Occasionally taken in dredge and trawl hauls and also found beneath stones on the lower shore. Zoarcidae Zoarces viviparus (Linne) Viviparous Blenny Occasional in trawl hauls. Mugilidae Mugil sp. Grey Mullet Common in the summer, in creeks and around the warm water discharge at the Barrier Wall, Bradwell. Order Scleroparei Triglidae Trigla cuculus Linne Red Gurnard Fairly common throughout the year, in the Blackwater and offshore. Trigla lyra Linne Piper One record in 1960. Cottidae Cottus scorpius (Linne) Sea Scorpion Occasional specimens in trawl hauls. Cottus bubalis Euphrasen Long-spined Sea Scorpion Trawled in the Blackwater, 1888 (Cole). Agonidae Agonus cataphractus Linne Armed Bullhead Very common in shallow water in most parts of the area.