60 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Cylopteridae Cyclopterus lumpus Linne Lump Sucker Common in the spring and early summer. Taken inshore and in trawl samples and also from the water intake of Bradwell Power Station. Spawn also found attached to stones in the spring. Liparidae Liparis liparis (Linne) Sea Snail Occasional records. Colne Bar, August 1964. Gasterosteidae Gasterosteus aculeatus (Linne) Three-spined Stickleback Common in ditches inside the dykes and frequently seen on the seaward side of drainage sluices. Spinachia spinachia (Linne) Fifteen-spined Stickleback Recorded as common in the Blackwater in 1888 (Cole). May still be present in the brackish water areas but not recorded in the recent investigations. Order Heterosomata Bothidae Scophthalmus maximus (Linne) Turbot One record from local fisherman. Scophthalmus rhombus (Linne) Brill Sometimes caught in the summer. One record from Swire Hole (1962). Zeugopterus punctatus (Bloch) Common Topknot One caught in the Blackwater in 1960. Pleuronectidae Hippoglossoides limandoides (Day) Long Rough Dab One specimen caught in the Blackwater in 1903 (Essex Naturalist). Limanda limanda (Linne) Dab Commonly caught in trawl hauls during the summer. Pleuronectes platessa Linne Plaice Common and sometimes abundant during the summer. Microstomus kitt (Walbaum) Lemon Sole Occasional in summer. Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (Linne) Witch Recorded as very rare in the Blackwater in 1903 (Essex Naturalist). Platichthys flesus (Linne) Flounder Present all the year round in most parts of the Blackwater but particularly in creeks and in brackish water. Common and widely distributed in the summer.