NOTES ON THE MITES (ACARI) OF ESSEX 61 Soleidae Solea solea (Linne) Sole Mostly common in the early summer. Sometimes abundant and at other times nearly absent. Widely distributed; from Thirslet to the Mouth of the Blackwater and offshore. Often carry the small parasitic leech Hemibdella solea attached to the scales. Order Xenopterygii Gobiesocidae Lepadogaster bimaculatus (Bonnaterre) Two-spotted Sucker One caught in the mouth of the Colne in 1903 (Essex Naturalist). Class MAMMALIA Order Carnivora Sub-Order Pinnipedia Phocidae Phoca vitulina Linne Common Seal Frequently seen in the Blackwater, especially during the winter. There is a resident population on the hills of the Buxey Sand. Order Cetacea Sub-Order Odontoceti Super Family Delphinoidea Phocaenidae Phocaena phocaena (Linne) Common Porpoise Occasional records of individuals or small groups throughout the year. Feeding on cuttle fish in the Blackwater in April 1961. Sub-Order Mysticeti Whales have been seen or have become stranded on shores in the area from time to time. A rorqual, Balaenoptera sp., was stranded in 1962. Notes on the Mites (Acari) of Essex By Donald I. Chapman In the course of studies on the Hymenoptera and mammals of Essex, a collection of mites (Acari) has been assembled. Since so little is known about the distribution of these invertebrates in Essex, it was felt to be worthwhile putting this information in a more permanent form. The only recent Essex records of this order are those of Jones (1959) and Stebbing (1965a). The record of Stebbing is unreliable since he himself admits that his identifica- tion may be wrong (Stebbing, 1965b).