NOTES ON ESSEX MAMMALS, 1965-66 65 to confirm that the degree of cold does, in part, influence the colour of the Stoat's coat and also the time of the spring moult, Rothschild (1942). The temperature also has a delayed action in that Stoats which turn white on exposure to cold will also tend to turn white again the following winter. In Essex the winter of 1966-67 was one of the mildest recorded for several years and the previous winter was not particularly severe. Two other Stoats found dead in Essex on the previous day were of normal coloration. Reference Rothschild, M. (1942). Change of pelage in the Stoat, Mustela erminea L. Nature, Lond., 149: 78. Notes on Essex Mammals, 1965-66 By D. R. Scott INTRODUCTION This report is a summary of mammal records received for 1965 and 1966. Records of deer and Badgers are being kept separately by Mr. D. I. Chapman and Mr. W. Page, respectively, and will be reported on as individual surveys. All members are urged to send in records of mammals, however commonplace, to the recorder; the gaps in our records are only too obvious in this report. CLASSIFIED NOTES Hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus Linn. Two dead on road, Broomfield, July 1966. Braintree County High School grounds, two*, May 1966. Ingatestone, one, October 1966. A number of records for the Silver End, Black Notley and Braintree areas all for 1965. Gosfield, one on gamekeeper's gibbet, October 1966 (J.S.). Road deaths reported from Epping, Broadley Common, July 1966. Two at Epping, one at High Roding, and at North Weald, August 1966. Theydon Bois and Ongar, Septem- ber 1966. High Garrett, Great Leighs, both two, Coopersale, Epping, Felsted, October 1966; Toot Hill, one, November 1966 (R.C.). Common Hartswood-Childerditch area in 1965. Twenty- seven road deaths in Brentwood area in 1965. Records from back gardens at Shenfield in 1965. Road deaths from other areas in- cluding Grays, two in May, one in June, 1966. Brentwood, in- dividuals dead in May, July and September, 1966. Also in 1966 at Orsett, May; Purfleet, May; Upminster, two in July; Aveley, one in August, and South Ockendon, September (P.S.). Road *Throughout, except where otherwise explicitly stated, all records refer to living animals.