NOTES ON ESSEX MAMMALS, 1965-66 69 Colchester, November 1966 (R.C.). Abridge and Navestock, road deaths, November 1966 (D.Co.). Water Vole Arvicola terrestris (Linn.) Felsted, one seen, October 1966 (R.C.). Weald Park, common, 1965. Fyfield, April, 1965, and Chelmsford, two seen in Septem- ber. Chelmsford, one seen on river Chelmer, June 1966 (P.S.). Braintree area, several seen, October 1965, one seen White Notley, June 1966 (J.S.). Coypu Myocastor coypus (Molina) Silver End, one unconfirmed report, June 1965 (J.S.). Steb- bing, one shot, August 1966 (D.S.). Porpoise Phocoena phocoena (Linn.) One seen off East Mersea, July 1965 (D.S.). Bats The identification of bats in flight is very difficult and, since the few existing records are so doubtful, it was considered best to omit them from this report. However, it is hoped to study them more intensively during 1967 and 1968, and results will appear in the next Mammal Report. LIVE TRAPPING RESULTS 1965 Fingringhoe Wick. February, Wood Mice (Apodemus sylvaticus (Linn.)), Bank Voles (Clethrionomys glareolus (Schreber)), and Common Shrews (D.Co. and W.P.). Fingringhoe Wick. June, species trapped as above (D.Co. and W.P.). Garden in Broomfield, Chelmsford. July-September, Wood mice, House mice, Yellow-necked mice (Apodemus flavicolis (Melchior)), Bank Voles, Common Shrews. Trapped by R.W.B. 1966 Court Hill, Little Leighs. October, Brown Rat, Yellow-necked Mice in loft of house, Wood Mice, Bank Voles, Short-tailed Voles (Microtus agrestris Linn.), and Common Shrews. Trapped by D.S. Bottle Hunt. September, small mammal remains collected from discarded bottles from thirty of the Essex 10 km. squares. One hundred and eighty-five specimens were found and comprised the following species: Common and Pigmy Shrews, Wood Mice, Bank Vole, Short-tailed Vole and Water Shrew. During the Bottle Hunt there were forty "sight" and "dead on road" records, which included the following species: Brown Rat, Rabbit, Stoat, Hedgehog, Mole, Grey Squirrel, Brown Hare, Wood Mouse.