70 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Acknowledgments Thanks are due to those members who sent in records and who took part in the Bottle Hunt; their names are set out below, with the abbreviations used in the text. Miss N. Armstrong (N.A.), Mr R. W. Brewster (R.W.B.), Mr K. Byrne (K.Br.). Mr D. Chapman (D.Ch.), Mr D. Corke (D.Co.). Mr R. Cowlin (R.C.), Mr A. Heathcote (A.H.), Mr C. Hutchings (C.H.), Colonel Laurie (Col. L.), Mr T. Lording (T.L.), Mr G. Malenoir (G.M.), Mr W. Page (W.P.), Mr M. T. Parker (M.T.P.), Mr P. Stothert (P.S.), Mr J. Swieskowski U.S.), Mr C. Taylor (C.T.), Mr A. Thompson (A.T.), Mr A. C. Wheeler (A.W.), and Mr D. R. Scott (D.S.). An Excavation of a Badger Sett in Southend By R. A. D. Cowlin In April 1967 an opportunity was taken to dig out a very simple badger sett in the middle of a flat field in Eastwood, Southend, last used for a wheat crop in 1965. The sett had two entrances about 25 feet apart and whilst grass was growing on the entrance spoils, fresh prints were visible inside the tunnels. The field was unusual as a location for a badger sett in that it was relatively flat and open, the nearest tree or hedge being approxi- mately 150 yards away. Along one edge of the field ran a brook and in the hedgebank of this was a larger sett containing about twenty active and inactive holes. The distance between the setts