AN EXCAVATION OF A BADGER SETT IN SOUTHEND 71 was about 250 yards. The soil was a light clay with six inches of topsoil. The height above sea level was about 40 feet. The reasons for the dig were twofold. Firstly, to ensure that no badgers were in the sett. The field was due to be levelled for a recreation ground which would involve using heavy machinery and any badgers in occupation would probably have been killed. Secondly, to investigate the layout of this simple sett, the results of which work form the subject of this paper. The method used was to lay sheets of paper on the floor of the tunnels and to stuff the remaining space with newspaper before removing the roof, preventing the roof from caving in and thus preserving the shape of the tunnel. Narrow trenches were dug a little to one side of the tunnel, giving a greater chance of leaving the tunnels intact for measurement. An auger was particularly useful for anticipating the tunnel's winding course. Measurements, as follows, were taken every two feet of the tunnel's length: depth of tunnel floor below ground (taken as level), height of tunnel, width of tunnel. It was not possible to complete the measurements for the tunnel length D to G, but it was established that there were no more side tunnels leading off this length. As is shown in the diagrams, the two entrances were con- nected, but the pattern of the tunnels was by no means regular. There was, of course, no means of identifying the configuration of the tunnels from the surface but it was particularly noticeable that the tunnels became more curved the farther away they were from the entrances. Bedding was present in some quantity over virtually the whole of the length of the tunnels, but towards their blind ends, it was damp and mildewed. The bedding chamber was a fairly symmetrical cavity being about 1' 8" high and 1' 7" wide at its largest point, and as such was the deepest point reached, the bottom being 3' 3" below ground level. It contained Figure 2.—Upper: Tunnel depth B-C and D-F. Lower: Tunnel width B-C and D-F.