74 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Other Records Barn Owl. A Barn Owl was found in a distressed condition near Saffron Walden by Mr R. H. Mays on May 20, 1965. This owl was sent to the R.S.P.B. for analysis. The report of the analysis has now been received and the conclusion reached was as follows: — "We consider that a combined residue of 99 p.p.m. of the very toxic Dieldrin and Heptachlor was a contributory factor, if not the principle cause in the death of this specimen". Signed I. Presst, Vertebrate Ecologist, Monks Wood Experimental Station. Wood Warbler. A Wood Warbler was heard singing in the Woods of Mill Green, Fryerning, on May 21, 1966. Record by J. H. Lee of Felsted. Storm Petrel. A Storm Petrel was found dead on Mill Green, Fryerning, on March 2, 1966, by C. W. Hutchings of Ongar. This is a most unusual record. Wryneck. A Wryneck was seen on a garden fence near Wood- ford for a short time by C. E. Oxenham on August 30, 1966. Map Ref. TQ 394.918. Mycological Report, Autumn 1966 By Doreen J. Boardman The annual autumn foray was held at Leigh-on-Sea on October 2, and most of the day was spent in Belfairs Great Wood which proved an interesting and profitable area. I am indebted to Bob Lawes for introducing us to this new area and for all the records which he has supplied over the years. Eighty-three species were recorded during the day, 14 of them new records for this area. There were as follows:—Basidiomycetes—Hapalopilus (Poly- porus) nidulans (Fr.) Karst., Peniophora setigera (Fr.) Bres., Melanoleuca melaleuca (Pers. ex Fr.) Murr., Hygrophorus schulzeri Bres., Volvariella speciosa (Fr. ex Fr.) Sing., Inocybe godeyi Gillet, I. umbrina Bres., I. fastigiata (Schaeff. ex Fr.) Quel., Psathyrella gossypina (Bull. ex Fr.) Pearson & Dennis, Mycena rorida (Scop. ex Fr.) Quel., Collybia (Marasmius) erythropus (Pers. ex Fr.) Kummer. Ascomycetes—Sepultaria foliacea (Schaeff. ex Boud.) Boud., Peziza anthracophila Dennis. Myxomycetes—Arcyria pomiformis Rost. The work of recording in Epping Forest has continued steadily and the recorder's meeting held in September, although producing no new records confirmed several interesting species occurring in the same places as in previous years, thus building up useful re-